Student Services

The Student Services Department offers a variety of programming for district students. The department includes special education, preschool, and alternative education programming. Services and programs are available for students grades preschool through high school, and beyond for students with disabilities who have not received a diploma. Special education services are provided for students 0 through the age of 26.

For preschool-aged children (3-4), we offer the Preschool Academy. Also available is the Great Start Readiness Program for four-year-old children. Both of these programs use Creative Curriculum for instruction. 

The Hazel Park Alternative Programs include the Advantage Program Elementary and Middle School. Hazel Park Alternative High School includes students from 9th grade through 20 years. 

Hazel Park Schools Early On services foster the development of infants and toddlers birth to 35 months of age that live within our school district boundaries.

Play & Learn (Click To Learn More)
Hazel Park Schools Early On offers Play & Learn groups for families of toddlers.

Early On
The Hazel Park Schools Early On team provides comprehensive support to families of infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities. We have a full team of professionals available to assess and support the needs of Early On students through caregiver coaching. 

The Early On Team includes:
   -- Special Education Early Childhood Teachers
   -- Speech Language Pathologist
   -- Occupational Therapist
   -- Physical Therapist
   -- School Social Worker
   -- School Psychologist

Early On supports and partners with families to promote the development of their infants and toddlers in developmental areas, such as:
   -- physical (reaching, rolling, crawling, and walking)
   -- cognitive (thinking, learning, solving problems)
   -- communication (talking, listening, understanding, gesturing)
   -- social-emotional (feeling secure, able to calm, playing with others)
   -- self-help (eating, dressing)

Or complete a referral at 

Hazel Park School District offers a full continuum of services to meet the needs of students eligible for special education programming. Special education services are available at all of the district’s schools and most students receive educational support in their neighborhood schools. Students who require more support than is available in their neighborhood school, may attend programs at designated schools within the district.

The Hazel Park School District is committed to providing our students with a free appropriate public education in an age-appropriate, least restrictive environment. Please review the links below for specific details on programs.

Alternative education is a program operated as a subdivision of the regular K-12 program. It is designed for students who can be better served in an alternative delivery system including those who have specific needs and are often at risk of not graduating.

Alternative education programs seek to provide added flexibility and alternative instructional models. These often include expanded services from the traditional setting such as online learning, institutional programs, or counseling. The information below outlines the school referral and return criteria for the alternative education programs in Hazel Park.

Hazel Park Alternative School Referral and Return Criteria

Alternative education is a program operated as a subdivision of the regular K-12 program. It is designed for students who can be better served in an alternative delivery system. Students served include those who have specific needs and are often at risk of not graduating.

Alternative education programs seek to provide added flexibility and alternative instructional models. These often included expanded services from the traditional setting such as online learning, institutional programs, counseling,

Referral to Hazel Park Alternative Education

A referral to the Hazel Park Alternative High School must be considered to be a major step in altering a student's high school experience. Referrals are to be sent to the Director of Student Services. Included among the factors to consider when making this referral:

  • Behavior - type of behavior demonstrated; frequency, duration, severity. What are the antecedents to the student's behavior? What interventions have been implemented to assist the student in the high school environment? Behavior Intervention Plan? Positive Behavior Supports? Peer mentoring? Check-in/Check-out with staff?
  • List the academic supports provided to this student. After-school programs? Pass Program attendance?
  • Special Education Referral? Section 504 Referral? High school student credits/transcripts - how many credits has the student obtained? Are they at risk for not graduating with their class?
  • Contact with a parent. Parent feelings regarding alternative education placement.
  • Student attendance. Steps taken to increase attendance.

Return to Home School

The elementary student must maintain Green status 85% of the time for a sustained 8-10 week period. Identified behaviors of concern by the home school must be successfully addressed at a rate of 90%. A comprehensive plan involving all identified home school participants will be developed.

The middle school student must replace target behaviors with successful behaviors conducive to a learning environment over a sustained 8-10 week period. Student must be passing all classes.

The high school student must display replacement behavior for a semester. The student must be passing all classes and be on track to graduate in order to return to high school. Academic and Behavioral Progress must be maintained and supported by the student and family with minimal school interventions.

Please click the link below to access the Staff Student Support Resources.

Request for Special Education/504 Plan Evaluation
Special Education/504 Plan

Care of South Eastern Michigan Services 

Oakland Family Services 

Michigan Alliance for Families 

Easter Seals

Michigan Rehabilitation Services

Choice Autism Center

Student Services

Shannon Martin
Secretary for Student Services
Rochelle Tassie
Secretary for Student Services