Business Office

Welcome to the Hazel Park Schools Business Office! In order to provide the resources needed to support the advancement of student achievement and success in a fiscally responsible manner, we will make every effort to provide professional and courteous support for the benefit of our school community.

For the Hazel Park School’s financial information, including but not limited to audits, budgets, and other financial metrics, please visit the Budget and Salary/Compensation Transparency Reporting.

If you have any payroll concerns please email [email protected]

Dear Hazel Park Staff,

Pursuant to Public Act 166 of 2020, legislation was passed that appropriated funding for the Teacher COVID-19 Grant and School Support COVID-19 Grant Programs.

In order to receive the grant funds eligible grant recipients must complete and return Form 5734 (attached), the Teacher and Support Staff COVID-19 Grants Certification (attached to this email), by December 4, 2020. These forms must be returned in person at the Ford Administration Building to Debbie Scott and sign off is required that the form was delivered.  At this time there are discussions regarding the eligibility of some employee groups, we are asking all employees to complete and return the form at this time.  

The Teacher COVID-19 Grant program was created by Public Act 166 of 2020 to recognize the additional time classroom teachers in a district spent outside of normal working hours and additional costs classroom teachers have incurred or experienced to provide a continuity of learning during the period of school closure in 2019-2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Eligible individuals will receive a payment of $500 from the department of Treasury.

The School Support COVID-19 Grant program was created by Public Act 166 of 2020 for grants to eligible K-12 school support staff to recognize the additional time spent outside of normal working hours, hazardous conditions, and additional costs school support staff have incurred or experienced to provide services to students during the period of school closure in 2019-2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligible individuals will receive a payment of $250 from the department of Treasury.

For more information regarding the two grant programs please visit;,4679,7-121-1751_74806_103207-541670--,00.html

Thanks you for your assistance if you have any questions please contact [email protected]


Jason Zirnis
Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations

Contact Us

Monica Papasian
Assistant Superintendent Of Business And Operations
Crystal Mubarak
Director of Business
Elizabeth Allen
Accounts Payable
Julie Drew
Payroll Specialist
Ryann Voss
Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent