Ruth Geise-Ward Fund
The Ruth Giese-Ward Fund has a long history of providing support to students and families who need help to continue attending school because of limited family resources. The fund was originally started with a bequest of $2,500 by Hulda Grace Ward that was designated for emergency use by secondary pupils. In 1970, Mrs. Ruth Blackman-Giese began a similar fund for elementary pupils. In 1974, the funds merged, becoming the Ruth Giese-Ward Fund.
We are proud to say that in 2022, this fund is still active, providing “last resort” and a “one time only” form of help for our students and families in the following ways: urgent medical or dental needs, school supplies, required school items or uniforms, emergency help for burned out families, help with partial utility and rent payments, and more.
The Ruth Giese-Ward Fund is coordinated by the Superintendent of Schools, currently Dr. Amy Kruppe, and other Fund committee members, who regularly meet and go over submitted application forms for consideration. The application may be picked up at the Administration Building, 1620 E Elza, Hazel Park.